Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Angola Girl Project launched Mother's Day

Photo courtesy of Master’s Touch Ministry files
 Posted by Hello

Atlanta, Georgia (April 20, 2005) – It’s not news that there are human rights violations throughout the world. International human trafficking, especially for sex work, has been going on for centuries. But it is news that one single, black woman has stepped forward to risk it all – to save many.

“I wrote the book ‘Women Risktakers’ while overseas on a missions trip and I am donating proceeds from the book. My heart is to help God’s people all over the world – especially young girls. God showed me that anything of significance involves a risk. We can’t let apathy or fear stop us from trying to right the wrongs in our world,” said Dr. Patricia Bailey, author and a missionary who has traveled to over 100 countries over the last 20 years.

Throughout the world 10 million children are involved in prostitution. According to Bailey, many girls have been sold by their parents and are frequently trafficked across international borders. “Southern Africa's young women and children are especially vulnerable to traffickers because civil unrest and economic deprivation leave them few opportunities making prostitution a common solution,” she said.

In Angola 60 percent of the population are under the age of 18. Many victims are featured in pornographic videos that are transmitted over the Internet. The poverty-stricken living conditions have forced many young girls into sex work in exchange for money or food. By the age of 12, many have acquired sexual transmitted diseases and have experienced two to three abortions.

“This is big business and it takes a risk to believe you can dismantle a prostitution ring,” said Bailey.

“But God is calling women to a task much greater than themselves – to change the world. This book is a project that will fund our Sister to Sister outreach program. We want to mobilize women to get involved in missions to help Angolan girls,” she said. “Esther in the Bible took a risk and saved an entire race. Even our modern day heroes, like Dr. King and Mother Teresa, were risk takers.”

The Sister to Sister program empowers women and assists children in foreign countries. Women, children and widows in developing countries have limited access to healthcare and education. That’s why Dr. Bailey spearheaded the Women Risktaker book project to provide resources – medical, educational, evangelistic and economic.

"Girls in Angola, and across the region, are traditionally the first to make sacrifices for the betterment of the family. That often means they are the first to miss out on education; they are the most vulnerable; they only look at their personal concerns once everyone else in the family is taken care of," said Melanie Luick, HIV/AIDS project officer at the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF). - more -

Page Two – Angolan Girl Project

When people in the U.S. celebrate women during the month of May for Mother’s Day, Dr. Bailey is challenging them to break out of their traditional mode of operation and purchase Women Risktakers as gifts ($12.99, Harrison House, ISBN 1-57794-527-1) instead of the typical Mother’s Day items.

“By using our collaborative buying power, we can make a difference in so many lives. This book isn’t just a book – it is a book that will ignite a fire in the lives of women to fulfill their God-given mandate – and God wants the global village to help one another. All the proceeds will help fund the Sister to Sister project which will help Angolan girls break free from the vicious cycle of prostitution,” said Bailey.

“We are only as strong as our weakest link and this book project offers help and hope. We have to do what we can to stop this frenzy of hatred and humiliation – this is a start in the right direction,” she said.

Dr. Bailey hopes to sell at least 25,000 copies to raise $100,000 for the project. For more information on the Women Risktaker book project, call 770.521-0373.

About Dr. Patricia Bailey:
The ministry of Dr. Pat Bailey has created tremendous impact for more than 20 years in over 100 countries around the world, bringing deliverance and salvation to countless thousands. Dr. Bailey is a lecturer, author, and founder of Master’s Touch Ministries, a mission outreach that has headquarters in Atlanta, Los Angeles, and London, England. MTM has also founded Y.U.G.O. (Young Adults United for Global Outreach) and Sister to Sister, an international outreach to women in foreign countries. Dr. Bailey serves as a mission strategy consultant to several growing churches and has developed leadership programs around the world. A popular speaker, she has been featured on the 700 Club, TCT, The Harvest Show and TBN. Dr. Bailey is a 1982 graduate of New Life Bible College in Tennessee and also a 1984 Charter Class Graduate of Victory World Mission Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Bailey is a proud, single mother of a son, Karim Israel Bailey. To contact Dr. Bailey go to: www.MTMintl.org.

Women Risktakers, Dr. Patricia D. Bailey’s second book, exemplifies extraordinary faith feats from women of the Bible whose common denominator was their willingness to become a risk taker for God. She suggests that women, who want to move beyond their comfort zone, need to strive for these spiritual attributes: submission, patience, wisdom, vision, temperance, divine timing, courage, balance, faith, and self-denial. The book is available on www.Amazon.com and nationwide at Walmart, Sam’s Club and other fine bookstores.
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